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BANG!: The Big Bang and Apologetics

Jaime Cross      “Do we throw away the big bang along with the bathwater because of these complications? Or do we retain the big bang's successful predictions and see if there is room to modify the theory's details in an attempt to solve these problems?” (Neil DeGrasse Tyson). The rapid expansion of the universe can be a tricky thing. Yet at first, it had its flaws, now the modern version of the theory has been deemed “undebunkable” by many scientists today. The big bang theory could really be a possibility for the beginning of the universe. Though for me being a Christian and not an Agnostic/Atheist I see creation by God creating the universe through evolution. This may be a crazy thing for many but if you do the research you can find parallels to each idea.      One fateful day in 1927 Georges LemaĆ®tre proposed an expanding universe model that eventually developed into the most loved and hated theory of all time, The Big Bang. Georges developed his theory using the work o

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